
North Bradley

CE Primary School

‘Shine as a light in the world’ (Philippians 2:15)


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Creators Class - Year 2

Welcome to Creators Class! 

Term 6

Maths: This term are learning about fractions, telling the time, statistics and postion and direction. 


Reading: This term we will be reading George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We will be reading a different extract each week and answering a range of comprehension questions. 


Writing: This term we are revisiting non-chronological reports, narratives and instructions. We will be continuing to extend our sentences using different conjucntions. We will be focusing on using our best handwriting and refining our spelling. 


Phonics: We are continuing to develop our knowledge of more spellings of different sounds. 


Science: We are learning about Living things and their habitats. 


History - We will be continuing to answer our enquiry question: What is the same and different between the UK and Kenya?


Computing: We are using Purple Mash to learn about coding. 


Religion and Worldviews: We are looking at Islam. We will be answer the question: How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful? 


PE: Our PE times are on Tuesday and Thursday. We are learning about sending and receiving and gymnastics. 


Homework comes home on a Friday and returns to school on a Thursday. If you have any questions about the homework, please come to talk to us in school. 

Our work in Art in Term 1.
