
North Bradley

CE Primary School

‘Shine as a light in the world’ (Philippians 2:15)


Strive, Hope, Inclusion, Nurture, Equality.

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Everything around us is science! Sitting on a chair is only possible as a result of science; the way your body moves, the forces involved in sitting down, the materials the chair is made from, their properties and how they can be changed and because somebody had to use their brains to think of the invention in the first place! Science is therefore an integral part of life not just the primary curriculum. It is a major contributor to how we develop and encourage children to SHINE.


Our intent in teaching Science is that all children will:

  • retain and develop their natural sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around them
  • recognise how science fits into the wider world, through our cross-curricular approach
  • develop a set of “Growth Mindset” attitudes which will promote scientific ways of thinking, including open-mindedness, perseverance, objectivity and a recognition of the importance of teamwork
  • come to understand the nature of' scientific method involving: meticulous observation, the making and testing of hypotheses, the design of controlled and fair experiments, the drawing of meaningful conclusions through critical reasoning and the evaluation of evidence
  • become effective communicators of scientific ideas, facts and data using scientific vocabulary
  • begin to build up a body of scientific knowledge and understanding, which will serve as a foundation for future enquiry
  • see themselves as scientists; being aware of the role of science in daily life and being aware that science offers opportunities for future jobs.



At North Bradley CE Primary School, We use the Plymouth Science scheme to ensure careful sequencing and delivery of a full knowledge-based content of the Primary National Curriculum from EYFS to Year 6.


In addition to this, the scheme also allows a greater focus on supporting learning through practical activities where children develop ‘Scientific Enquiry’ skills (comparative fair testing, research, observations over time, pattern seeking and identifying and classifying) and ‘Working Scientifically’ skills (questioning, prediction, setting up tests, observation and measurement, recording, interpreting results and evaluating.)




What are the core concepts we want the children to know?


    • An understanding and a curiosity about the world from Early Years up to Year 6.
    • The knowledge base from the National Curriculum
    • How to apply ‘Working Scientifically’ / ‘Scientific Enquiry’ skills through practical activities
    • Children develop their ‘Scientific Enquiry’ skills and their ‘Working Scientifically’ skills to investigate and learn new information.
    • Children have a strong knowledge of scientific vocabulary and can verbally describe/explain core scientific concepts to others.
    • Good quality science learning allows children to develop their ability to ask and answer questions.
    • Science seeks to capture our wonder and to explore through investigation and observation. It helps children to deepen their understanding and further their knowledge.
    • A large part of science is also about taking risks. Making predictions and then carrying out tests to see if hypotheses are correct.
    • Practical activities and open-ended learning opportunities that embodies and enjoyment of becoming a Scientist.

